How to Transform Damaged Hair in 1 Month

The easiest way to repair damaged hair, is first figuring out what’s causing our strands distress, and then stop doing those things. This is how our transformation begins.

In this post you’ll find five simple steps you can take to transform your hair from dry, damaged hair to soft, healthy hair in just a few weeks.

There are no shortcuts to obtaining healthy hair, but this is a start.

It is a gentle way of caring for your hair by using methods that are more natural, more sustainable and as you can see, more effective.


Both of these photos were taken on day 2 hair, without any product in.

Now, let our hair transformation begin!

1. Stop Heat Styling your Hair

Excessive heat styling can severely damage your hair, leaving it dry, brittle and breaking at the ends.

And if that’s not enough to stop you putting down your beloved pair of straighteners, it also causes a loss in hair density.

So if you’re wondering where your lovely full & thick hair went, it may have got caught in your straighteners and got pulled right out.

The result, your hair is left feeling fragile with an array of split ends that look more like palm trees than anything else taking up floor space around your house.

2. Add Oils to your Hair Routine

Coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil & essential oils are all wonderful for getting thicker healthy hair. By applying them consistently to give back your hair all the moisture it’s lost through straightening, bleaching or relaxing your hair, oils are the perfect way to nourish your hair back to life.


Whether you use oils as a DIY pre-poo, a hot oil treatment or use them for a scalp massage, oiling your hair is a proven method to revive damaged hair.

3. Do Rice Water Rinses for Soft Hair

Damaged hair often feels dry and brittle.

An easy way to soften hair is to add rice water rinses to your hair regimen.

Well known for its hair growth abilities, rice water rinses are actually really good at moisturising the hair whilst still adding a little protein to your strands.

Alternative – if you don’t want to do rice water rinses then you can swap them out for a high quality deep conditioner that suits your hair type.


The trick to not dry your hair out with rice water, is to only use it weekly and to rinse it out after a half an hour. That way, it acts as a deep conditioning treatment to damaged hair.

To make my rice water, I simply followed a video by Lana Summer on Youtube and I let it ferment for 48 hours before application.

Warning! Do not brush out your hair with the rice water in it as this could lead to breakage and further damage.

4. Use Olaplex to Fix Damaged Hair

The hair insurance that comes at a price. The best way to do Olaplex no.3 treatment is to do it  regularly.

Again, consistency is key with this product. And this can really determine how fast or slow your hair transforms. The more damaged your hair is, the more you need to use it. But that doesn’t make it a one stop shop.


Olaplex repairs the disulphide bonds that make up keratin. But it’s not in itself a protein treatment. And it is definitely not a moisturising treatment. So you’d still need steps 2 and 3 to create a balanced hair care routine, and ultimately get healthy hair.

Olaplex no.3 Results

5. Protect your Hair with a Satin Scarf

Damaged hair is prone to breakage.

It also dries out easily and quickly. Wearing a satin scarf is a simple way to lock in moisture.

Wearing it when you’re out in the sun is a great way to protect your hair from UV damage and especially wearing it when you go to bed will save your hair from friction and breakage while you sleep.


You can also opt for a satin or silk pillowcase as cotton pillowcases are known to dry out your hair, which in turn leads to breakage, loss of curl definition and unnecessary stress on fragile hair strands.

Wearing a satin scarf is an easy way to alleviate these issues. But if you insist on looking cute while you sleep, then investing in a silk pillowcase would be your best bet. 


So those all the steps I took to transform my hair in just over a month. I said it was simple; I didn’t say it was easy! 🙂

Healthy Hair Transformation

*It took me up to 5 weeks to transform my hair, but that’s mainly due to the delay of the Olaplex no.3 treatment. I tried to do a full month without Olaplex so that I wouldn’t become dependant on it and that has helped me on my healthy hair journey. But you can easily transform within 4 weeks by incorporating Olaplex early on. And if you can’t get your hands on Olaplex at the moment, then know that your hair will transform by following the other 4 steps, over a longer period of time. 

Remember! With healthy hair, patience is definitely a big part of it. And that’s what I need to remind myself on my own healthy hair journey.


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